FAI Hang Gliding and Paragliding Commission (CIVL)

09 Jul 2016

European Paragliding Accuracy Championship in Lithuania ready to start!

From 10th to 17th of July, one of European largest annual paragliding event – the 5th FAI European Paragliding Accuracy Championship – will be held in Lithuania.

75 pilots from 18 countries will compete in the European Championship of 2016 (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, Russia, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Serbia, Kosovo, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Great Britain, Turkey and Moldova).  Pilots will be up in the sky each day all week from 9:00 am till 7 pm.

Accuracy landing competitions are very attractive to the public. Pilots are flying in a small height and descend near them. The maximum result is obtained after landing at the centre of the 5 m. target, which size can be compared with 1 euro coin (2 cm).

Pilots from Albania and Serbia arrived early in Lithuania for a winching training. During this competition we will use 2 sets of winches with original tow retrieval systems. “To pull 75 pilots will take less than 2 hours” said Violeta Masteikiene, competition director of the competition.

During the event not only paragliding championship will be held, but also there will be many outdoor activities, which will be open for all who are interested. There will be live music, outdoor sports presentations, flight simulators testing, etc.

 For more news – http://europgc2016.com/