FAI Hang Gliding and Paragliding Commission (CIVL)

21 Jun 2018

PG Europeans 2018 Montalegre - Final Allocation published

The organizers of 15th FAI European Paragliding Championship Montalegre, Portugal have announced the final allocation round.
28 countries will send 150 best European pilots to take part in the competition. The most numerous are French and German nations - sending 9 pilots each. Portugal, Italy, Slovenia, Slovakia closed the round with 8 pilots. Great Britain, Switzerland, Poland, Russia and Czech Republic are presented with 6 pilots. Other participants came from Spain, Austria, Finland, Norway, Romania, Belgium, Serbia, Ukraine, Sweden, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, Bosnia e Herzegovina, Turkey, Netherlands, Ireland, Luxemburg.
The maximum number of pilots constituting a national team is 5 total and 4 of one gender.

The allocation table has been published on competition website in the Downloads section.

Direct link https://airtribune-production.s3.amazonaws.com/media/contest/files/2018/06/ameUfEmknWky.pdf