FAI Aeromodelling Commission (CIAM)
F1 Free Flight Rankings
Free Flight Ranking positions on March 1 2025
The purpose of the Free Flight Ranking is to demonstrate the relative merit of performances by competitors on a continued basis. Results are included from all Championships and World Cup events in each class.
The ranking score from an event consists of two components added together:
a) a results part with points awarded on the same basis as the World Cup
b) a ranking position component. This allocates points according to how well a competitor’s performance compares to others – points awarded if he has placed above higher-ranked competitors and points subtracted if he has been beaten by lower-ranked competitors.
The scores form events in the last 12 months are counted in full. Events between 12 and 24 months have scores reduced linearly so that events older than 24 months make no contribution to the ranking. A total of 6 events can be counted to make the competitor’s ranking score, except that all negative scores are counted.
The ranking is evaluated every 2 months. The results contributing to each competitor’s score are shown in the format XY15=nn+pp where XY is the abbreviation for the World Cup event or WC or EC or AC for World, European or Asian Championships, 15 indicates an event in 2015, nn shows the results points (a) and pp shows the ranking position points (b) which will be preceded by + or – sign.
Position | Name | NAC | Ranking score | place change since previous ranking | Score change since previous ranking | Results since last ranking | Other contributions to current score | Results not contributing to score |
1 | Jaroslaw Jeziorny | POL | 3656 | 0 | + 70 | SM24=641+96 SZ24=625+86 MV24=600+96 KC24=616+6 PR24=544+40 ZA24=480 SP23=0-4 HO23=0-16 MV23=0-22 SL24=0-30 SL23=0-42 SP24=0-60 | WB24=366-23 CZ24=348-26 HO24=227-43 JA24=198-20 WC23=176-2 ZA23=112 SZ23=92-1 SM23=79-11 EC24=122-70 KR23=25 SO24=71-53 | |
2 | Jama Danier | CAN | 3325 | + 13 | + 593 | KW25=596+6 MM25=595+6 NA25=517+3 | NA24=573+15 DN24=505+6 HE24=504+3 CN23=0-4 | MM24=481+12 KW24=325-2 UN24=254 HE23=51-3 WC23=70-59 |
3 | Bostjan Bagari | SLO | 3296 | + 1 | + 53 | EC24=658+70 HO24=625+20 SO24=614+20 CZ24=589+20 HC24=571+13 WB24=347-13 KR23=1-2 SZ24=45-50 HC23=0-5 KC23=0-19 MV23=0-31 SM23=0-41 SL24=0-136 | ZA23=266+1 HO23=225-1 IK23=222-2 SL23=126+3 SZ23=107 KC24=95-43 MS23=55-16 SP23=18 ZA24=65-60 | |
4 | Emmanuel Ragot | FRA | 3292 | -2 | + 39 | BE24=611+23 HS24=612+20 PT24=601+16 EF24=546+30 PR24=501+43 FC24=473+36 CZ23=0-36 BE23=0-74 SL24=0-110 | EC24=470+26 ME24=492 BC24=400-10 SZ24=378 PL23=335-1 WB23=331 GU23=313-6 PT23=257-1 WC23=198-20 HS23=157-12 PL24=149-26 SZ23=87-8 AG23=47 SL23=30-25 | |
5 | Per Findahl | SWE | 3256 | -2 | + 6 | KW25=525-3 MM25=453-6 NA25=441-6 | NN24=593 SL24=522+40 BC24=559-3 MM24=533-2 AV24=509+3 SW24=0-20 | EC24=488+6 PR24=464+20 WB24=479-13 FC24=415+6 KW24=429-9 CZ24=439-20 NN23=261-1 BU24=261-13 PT23=241-4 ME24=209-33 DS23=170-4 SW23=162 WC23=183-26 SZ24=186-46 SZ23=135 NA24=162-28 BU23=141-8 BE23=116-35 SL23=82-11 CR23=52-25 AV23=29-5 BC23=14 ME23=4 |
6 | Yuri Grushkovskiy | UKR | 3158 | 0 | + 133 | NA25=593+3 KW25=0-40 MM25=0-60 | HA24=602+16 SL24=522+83 KW24=576+24 ZA24=480+3 SP24=465+10 SZ23=0-30 WC23=0-89 | WB24=394-10 HO24=368-16 MM24=319+2 FC24=298-3 PR24=282-10 DS23=213+18 CZ24=266-36 EC24=255-46 CR23=160+11 SL23=77+7 |
1 | Oleg Kulakovsky | UKR | 3645 | 0 | + 41 | MM25=623 KW25=618 NA25=563-3 | MM24=596+12 ZA24=601 JA24=598 CR24=597 | MV24=591 NA24=544+9 KW24=540+9 FC24=507-6 SP24=442-10 SM24=429-6 SL24=292 CR23=220+8 WB23=213+1 DS23=190+7 BE23=150-4 SZ23=96+5 CZ23=58-8 SM23=53-3 MV23=38-2 PT23=54-30 SL23=26-4 |
2 | Stanislaw Skibicki | POL | 3170 | 0 | + 14 | SP24=608+40 SO24=589+3 ZA24=540+6 EC24=509+36 DS24=518+20 FC24=345+3 WB23=0-5 CR23=0-9 MV23=0-9 DS23=0-11 CR24=0-13 | JA24=310+3 SM24=291 ZA23=267+3 KC24=260-6 WC23=224+4 HC24=205 SM23=109+3 MV24=121-13 HO23=72-3 HO24=79-23 CZ23=31-5 SP23=16 KR23=14 | |
3 | Adam Krawiec | POL | 3059 | 0 | 0 | KC24=589 FC24=559+6 CR24=530+10 HO24=524-3 MV24=510+3 SZ24=510 HC24=0-23 SO24=0-33 WB24=0-43 SL24=0-80 | HA24=503+3 EC24=464+6 CZ24=428-6 KC23=357 ZA23=320+1 CZ23=310+3 ZA24=306-16 HO23=271+1 WB23=266+1 JA24=267-16 DS23=220+1 PT23=217-4 WC23=219-11 SM24=178-10 SM23=147 DS24=111-16 SZ23=91-1 SL23=90-1 MV23=73-4 CR23=55-8 HC23=36 HA23=23 SP24=47-33 SP23=13 KR23=6 | |
4 | Michael Seifert | GER | 2927 | + 3 | + 202 | MM25=531 NA25=435-6 KW25=0-76 | EF24=594+13 CZ24=591+10 NA24=450+21 SP24=412+30 KR23=0-2 SL23=0-20 KW24=0-56 | GU23=349+6 WB24=260-3 EC24=226 SZ23=50-6 MM24=64-44 |
5 | Hongfeng Dong | CHN | 2777 | + 256 | + 2777 | NA25=614+110 KW25=570+120 MM25=0+50 | AS24=413+43 MX24=347+43 MG24=325+40 MM24=85+67 | NA24=0+28 KW24=0+9 |
6 | Bojan Gostojic | SRB | 2764 | -1 | + 6 | MS24=585+16 MD24=506 NN24=490 MV24=428+16 EC24=390+20 SL24=292+60 MV23=0-9 BU24=0-30 | IK24=338+6 NN23=257-1 WC23=176-28 SL23=113 SZ23=74-3 SM24=65 | |
1 | Yuan Gao | CHN | 3246 | 0 | + 30 | NA25=589 MM25=502-3 | MM24=564 NA24=560 AC24=506+10 SC24=505+10 SR24=504 AS23=0-2 | KU24=502 PR24=501 KW24=481 WW24=380+6 KU23=347 SR23=346 MX24=338-3 WC23=214+16 TM23=226 MG23=223 MG24=205-10 AS24=105-13 SC23=25 WW23=24 AC23=24 |
2 | Balazs Bauer | HUN | 2851 | 0 | + 12 | IK24=506+3 HC24=503+3 KC24=502+3 HA24=504 ZA24=503 MS24=380 HO24=0-3 DS24=0-6 SZ23=0-6 SL23=0-9 CR24=0-16 CZ24=0-16 | SL24=300+6 EC24=292-3 SO24=251 HO23=209 WC23=177 WB23=163 CZ23=158 SM23=28-2 HC23=19 | |
3 | Soma Bauer | HUN | 2638 | 0 | + 13 | CZ24=509+6 DS24=503+10 HO24=501+3 CR24=407+13 EC24=319+73 HA24=337+6 WB23=0-1 SL24=0-16 WC23=0-32 | MS24=254+6 ZA24=252 IK24=128+3 SL23=34 | |
4 | Erdenebayar Ulzii | MGL | 2060 | + 18 | + 636 | MM25=413+6 NA25=324+3 KW25=0-20 | ES24=503+6 AC24=380+16 SC24=338+13 WW24=128+10 MG23=0-2 AS23=0-2 TM23=0-3 WC23=0-53 | MG24=104+6 MX24=0+3 |
5 | Viacheslav Aleksandrov | UKR | 2003 | 0 | -262 | MV24=506 SM24=506 SL24=300 PT23=261 WC23=247-1 EC24=210-26 | BE23=178-2 MV23=161+2 SM23=159+3 SL23=116+8 SZ23=117+6 | |
6 | Darijo Jermol | CRO | 1981 | -2 | -311 | EC24=612+20 MM24=480 HO23=314 ZA23=314 WC23=284+10 KW24=0-12 FC24=0-20 NA24=0-21 | ||
1 | Mihaly Varadi | HUN | 3133 | 0 | + 247 | MM25=587 NA25=477-3 KW25=476-3 | WB24=588+3 HA24=506+3 ZA24=509 HO24=508 PT23=0-15 CZ24=0-30 | HC24=407 GU23=330 HO23=315 DS23=177 CR23=176 ZA23=152-3 BE23=96-4 SZ23=85 SL23=71-1 HC23=29 KR23=23 SP23=22 |
2 | Imola Varadine Fodor | HUN | 2889 | + 3 | + 445 | NA25=586+3 KW25=585+3 MM25=223-10 | CZ24=588+10 ZA24=408+3 WB24=394+3 ZA23=316+1 HO23=0-5 SL23=0-6 | HO24=306 GU23=271 SL24=234-10 BE23=212+1 HC24=205-10 DS23=137 HA24=128-10 SZ23=102 PT23=97-2 HA23=47 HC23=36 CR23=33-3 KR23=16 SP23=8 |
3 | Fabrizio Ceccarini | ITA | 2691 | -1 | + 4 | SP24=588+10 AG24=505+13 SM24=503+3 FC24=500 HS24=393+3 PT24=254-3 SZ23=0-1 MV24=0-3 CD24=0-6 JA24=0-16 SL24=0-16 CZ24=0-36 | WB24=224-13 SZ24=205-6 PT23=172+7 BE24=132-3 AG23=15 KR23=13 SP23=11 | |
4 | Andras Jancso | HUN | 2614 | 0 | + 7 | DS24=506+16 HC24=508+10 CR24=504+13 HO24=407+6 SL24=347+20 CZ24=296+6 SZ23=0-1 HA24=0-3 CR23=0-4 DS23=0-7 WB24=0-10 | SZ24=104 SL23=101+3 ZA24=105-3 | |
5 | Rafal Wagner | POL | 2592 | -2 | -54 | SL24=510+13 JA24=506+6 PR24=503+6 SZ24=407+3 SP24=394+6 MV24=252+3 HO23=0-1 CZ24=0-16 | SM24=252+3 ZA23=234+5 ZA24=206-6 SM23=106+2 HO24=104-10 WB24=79-13 SZ23=58+7 SL23=0+1 | |
6 | Andrea Banci | ITA | 2194 | + 1 | + 6 | CD24=504+10 MV24=503+10 SL24=428+16 SZ24=306+3 DS24=254+3 CZ24=224 DS23=0-3 CR23=0-4 AG24=0-10 SP24=0-20 WB24=0-30 | GU23=171-1 CD23=146+1 SM23=132 MV23=83 SL23=51 SZ23=24-1 HC23=16 KR23=9 | |
1 | Tiberiu Furjes | ROU | 3330 | 0 | + 25 | OK24=616+33 OK28=616+33 VL24=605+33 PC24=598+13 TC24=524+6 EE24=449+23 PA23=0-12 GV24=0-36 FB24=0-50 TC23=0-55 RB24=0-66 | BG24=477-6 PA24=367-13 BG23=171+5 PC23=100-19 RA23=6-1 RB23=3-1 | |
2 | Eugeny Gorban | UKR | 3068 | + 1 | + 248 | CA25=585 KA25=490-3 | PA24=599+3 KA24=552+2 PC24=463+3 RB24=428+6 EE24=0-60 | CA24=376-2 PA23=303+7 TC24=288-10 WE23=133-5 BG24=122-33 PC23=80-24 BG23=48-12 |
3 | Jean-Luc Drapeau | FRA | 3064 | -1 | + 29 | FB24=613 GC24=564+43 TZ24=560+43 RB24=516+10 EE24=420+10 OK24=442-13 FB23=0-4 GV23=0-14 WE23=0-30 PE24=0-40 GV24=0-56 | OK28=442-13 TC24=381-6 UE24=345+23 VL24=369-16 PM23=326+1 PC24=310-10 PA23=270-3 PC23=194-6 TC23=166-9 VL23=114 PM24=139-30 BG23=89-18 OK23=71 RB23=39 RA23=22 PE23=30-16 | |
4 | Alexander Winker | GER | 2794 | 0 | + 13 | RB24=566-3 GV24=545+3 OK28=517-3 OK24=517-3 VL24=434-3 FB24=382-16 GV23=11-12 PE23=0-35 PE24=0-46 EE24=0-60 | PM24=225-20 TC23=183-8 VL23=143 PC23=153-16 FB23=73 OK23=62 PM23=75-16 WE23=75-18 | |
5 | Mike Mckeever | USA | 2583 | + 8 | + 442 | KA25=587+3 CA25=367-3 | KO24=506 SI24=505 KO23=345 CA24=282-9 | SI23=195-3 KA24=163-12 |
6 | Andre Trachez | FRA | 2581 | -1 | + 4 | UE24=611+63 PM24=531+3 TZ24=374+43 GV24=392+3 GC24=340+36 PE24=310-10 WE23=0-13 VL23=0-14 PC23=0-20 TC23=0-32 RB24=0-36 | UE23=235+12 SG23=224+9 LM23=103+2 EE24=104 GV23=100+3 GC23=59-7 VL24=79-30 TZ23=53-9 |