FAI Aeromodelling Commission (CIAM)

Years 2020-2029

Author: Peter Keim


The year 2020 turned out to be a very memorable year. At the end of 2019, the first reports came from China that a new virus had been identified, later referred to as Covid-19 pandemic. In early 2020 it came over to Europe, shortly afterwards it spread worldwide.
CIAM had to deal with it in the run-up to the Plenary Meeting. This was canceled in mid-March.
Given the risks and travel restrictions imposed, the Bureau decided that there would be no World and Continental Championships in 2020 and that they would be postponed to 2021. World Cups were postponed for some time and later canceled for the full year.
In the meantime, the Bureau had switched to communication via ZOOM (internet).
The Plenary Meeting was postponed until the fall.
During the summer, local regulations were relaxed without leading to many activities.

The e-Plenary Meeting was announced end of September. This took place from October 10th to November 14th via Zoom and was divided into e-technical meetings for F2, F9, F5B, F3FJ and Pylonrace, votings and the e-Plenary Meeting itself. Thanks to the good organization, everything went smoothly.

Proposals for Technical Meetings that have not been held now will be moved to the next opportunity. The working method for EDIC will be further discussed and laid down.
Changes: Vernon Hunt (GBR) was elected i.l.o. Ferenc Orvos as Control Line chairman.
F5K (Thermal duration gliders for multiple task competition) was adopted as a new provisional class. The transition from electric pylon race from the Electric subcommittee to Pylon race has been completed.

Alphonse Penaud Diploma: Jan SEDLACEK (Czech Republic)
Antonov Diploma: Peter HALMAN (GBR)
Andrei Tupolev Medal: Jan SEDLACEK (Czech Republic)
FAI Aeromodelling Gold Medal: Ingemar LARSSON (Sweden)
Scholarship: Michal ZITNAN (Slovak Republic)

There was no Open Forum.
In principle, subsequent Plenary Meetings will take place in the same way.
A ZOOM meeting will be organized to map out the problems associated with the globally imposed obligations on UAVs including model aircraft.
During the December Bureau Meeting, the World and Continental Championships program will be established as far as possible.

CIAM E-Bureau Meeting: December 19.


CIAM E-Plenary Meeting by Zoom from March 27th till May 8th.

Still suffering from the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2021 Plenary Meeting has been held in the same way as last year by Zoom. Technical Meetings were held from March 27th till April 18th for Education, Drone Sports, RC Aerobatics, RC Pylon Racing, SM Space Models, RC Helicopters, RC Soaring, Free Flight and General Rules. An overview has been made of the advices from the reports of the e-Technical Meetings. All proposals adopted by the Technical Meetings, including any amendments, have been incorporated into the electoral system. This is the basis for the vote by the delegates.

For the E-Plenary Meeting on May 8th there were 70 participants.
Changes: Barrie Lever (GBR) was elected i.l.o. Rob Metkemeijer as Pylon Racing chairman.

Alphonse Penaud Diploma: Matthew HOYLAND (Great Britain)
Antonov Diploma: Karl-Heinz Helling (Germany)
Frank Ehling Diploma: Mike Colling (via Sweden)
FAI Aeromodelling Gold Medal: Bogdan WIERZBA (Poland)
Scholarship: Kristina IVANOVA (Bulgaria) 

There were no new official classes.The class which was previously called “F3RES” ( 2 meter RC gliders) became provisional class.
There was extensive discussion about the fact that at the end of 2018 60,000 euros were transferred from the CIAM account to the FAI.
Besides for Space Models all for 2021 planned World or Continental Championships were postponed to the first possible moment. International competitions started again after July 1st.

The Application Management System was introduced for registering international category 2 competitions.

The December Bureau meeting was organized by using the zoom platform on 4 and 18 December.


CIAM E-Plenary Meeting by Zoom from April 2nd till Mai 7th.

Also in 2022 the CIAM Plenary Meeting was held via Zoom for the third time because of Covid 19. Technical Meetings were held from April 2nd till April 16th for Education, Free Flight, RC Soaring, Scale, Drone Sports, RC Pylon Racing, RC Electrics, Control Line and CIAM General Rules. A report was made with the recommendation from the e-Technical Meetings. All proposals adopted by the Technical Meetings, including any amendments, have been incorporated into the electoral system. This is the basis for the voting by the delegates.

For the E-Plenary Meeting on May 7 there were 62 registered participants.

Change: Tyson Dodd (Australia) was elected as technical secretary i.l.o. his father Kevin, Sotir Lazarkov (Bulgaria) was elected as Electrics chairman i.l.o Emil Giezendanner.

Alphonse Penaud Diploma: Jan Kotuha (Slovak Republic)
Andrei Tupolev Diploma: Jan Kotuha (Slovak Republic)
Andrei Tupolev Medal: Michal Zitnan ( Slovak Republic)
Antonov Diploma: Aleksandar Stoianovic (Serbia)
Frank Ehling Diploma: Vladimir Svec (Slovak Republic)
FAI Aeromodelling Gold Medal: Marek Dominiak (Poland)
Scholarship: Adrien Gallet (France)

A limited number of proposals was submitted. A Bureau proposal for a new CIAM Award was introduced. CIAM Legend is the name and it will be awarded to those who managed to win the title of World Champion for three times or more. A proposal for a  promotional class from The Netherlands was accepted for application by the Education subcommittee. New provisional class: as F3L, but with electric motor.

The “old” yearly scheme for organizing championships is almost in place again.

A Zoom meeting about implementing UAV regulations around the World was held on February 26.

The December Bureau meeting was organized by using zoom on 4-5 December. 


CIAM E-Plenary Meeting by Zoom from March 4th till April 1st.

Although the Covid 19 situation had no influence anymore this year, the Plenary Meeting was still held by Zoom.  Technical Meetings were held from March 4th till March 26th  for RC Aerobatics, RC Helicopter, Free Flight, RC Soaring, CIAM General Rules, RC Electrics, Space Models, RC Pylon Racing (interim), Education and Drone Sports. As usual a report was made with the recommendation from the e-Technical Meetings. All proposals adopted by the Technical Meetings, including any amendments, have been incorporated into the electoral system. This is the basis for the voting by the delegates.

For the E-Plenary Meeting on April 1st  there were 56 registered participants.

There were no changes in the composition of the Bureau.


Alphonse Penaud Diploma: Igor Burger (Slovak Republic)
Andrei Tupolev Medal: Michal Zitnan jr. (Slovak Republic)
Antonov Diploma: Zoran Pelagic (Slovak Republic)
Frank Ehling Diploma: Arthur H. “Trip” Barber (USA)
FAI Aeromodelling Gold Medal: Zdravko Todoroski (North Macedonia)
Scholarship: Yval Sarig (Israel)

In 2023, the inaugural year, the CIAM Legends Medal has been awarded to 59 individuals.

Class F1Q has been accepted as World Championship class.

Triggered by the RC Helicopter SC, the Bureau had submitted a number of proposals to increase organizational possibilities at championships with relatively few participants, for example by admitting more participants after permission from their NAC. This and other proposals have been adopted.

The preference is to meet in person again. However, the contribution of participants in technical meetings has increased through the use of Zoom. Alternatives to a face to face Plenary Meeting this year were too expensive. Participants have been asked to come up with alternatives.

The December Bureau meeting was held in Lausanne on 1-2  December. 

 During the 2023 December Bureau Meeting


CIAM Plenary Meeting April 12/13 in Lausanne, attended by 13 Bureau members and 14 (alternate) delegates. There were six proxies.

As discussed last year, a new way of working was introduced: starting with the technical meetings by Zoom, followed by the Plenary Meeting itself in the Maison du Sport International (where the FAI is housed) in Lausanne.

Technical Meeting were for: F2 Control Line, F5 Electric, F4 Scale, F1 Free Flight, F3 RC Pylon Racing, F3 RC Soaring, F9 Drone Sport, Education and General Rules.

As previous years a report was made with the recommendation from the e-Technical Meetings. All proposals adopted by the Technical Meetings, including any amendments, have been incorporated into the electoral system. This is the basis for the voting by the delegates. The final decisions were made in the Plenary Meeting.

Change: Ron Miasnikov (Israel) was elected as technical secretary i.l.o. Tyson Dodd, Pavol Barbaric (Slovak Republic) was elected as Control Line chairman i.l.o Vernon Hunt..They presented themselves by Zoom  during the Plenary Meeting.

Alphonse Penaud Diploma: Jan van Vliet (Netherlands) and Krysztof Przybytek (Poland)
Antonov Diploma: Vladimir Horvat (Croatia)
Andrei Tupolev Diploma: Leszek Malmyga (Poland)
Frank Ehling Diploma: Csontos Arpad (Slovak Republic)
Scholarship: Imre Czikar (Hungary)
Legends: Kang Lee Yuan (USA)

Class F9U was introduced as World Championship class. F1Q was added as junior World Championship class.

An extensive discussion was held about entry and additional fees for championships.

The total volume for RC Pylon Racing will be cleaned up to prevent doubling of text.

The December Bureau meeting was held in Lausanne on 3-5  December. 

During the 2024 Plenary Meeting